Holy Bible Read and Search Utility
Revelation CH 1:3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

If you are serious about searching the Bible then this is for you!

Type your text here Choose a Bible Select a Book or Range Chap
Ignore Case
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Exact Phrase Ignore Word Order Any Words Read Mode

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Look above. It's set to search for the followingWords or phrase jesus king lord, in the King James Version Bible, throughout the 69, with Ignore Case   and Highlight and Ignore Word order ON.  Click the "Search" button now to search for this or change it to something else.

To simply Read the Bible click Read Mode, Select the Book you want and click Search.

 To show this help screen again

  1. Clear the text in Type your text here

  2. Click the Search button.

To read the Bible

  1. Select the Bible Translation under Choose a Bible.

  2. Select the Book you want to read from under Select a Book or Range.

  3. Select the chapter under Chap.

  4. Make sure you select the Read Mode Radio on the top right.

  5. Click Search.


  • All other options are ignored.

  • If you change to a different Book the Chap drop down will automatically update to the correct number of Chapters next time you click Search.

  • If you change Select a Book or Range but leave the Chap set to a Chapter that does not exist in the new Select a Book or Range, it will be set to 1. If the Chapter does exist, you will be forwarded to that Chapter when you click Search.

  • The language is updated after each time you click Search.

To Search for Exact Phrase

  1. Click the Exact Phrase radio button.

  2. Select the Bible from  Choose a Bible and the Book/Range from Select a Book or Range.

  3. Type the exact phrase you are looking for in the Type your text here box e.g. jesus king lord


  • This will do a case sensitive search. To do a case insensitive search, click the Ignore case check box.

  • To highlight the phrase in the resulting text, check the Highlight Results box. 

  • The Chapter dropdown box, Chap is ignored in this mode.

To Search for Words or portions of Words

  1. Click the Ignore Word Order radio button.

  2. Select the Bible form  Choose a Bible and the Book/Range from Select a Book or Range.

  3. Type the words you are looking for in the Type your text here box separated by spaces e.g. jesus king lord


  • This will do a case sensitive search. To do a case insensitive search, click the Ignore case check box.

  • To highlight the words in the resulting text, check the Highlight Results box. 

  • The Chapter dropdown box, Chap is ignored in this mode.


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