Index: Wycliffe New Testament


2 Corinthians 10

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10:1 And Y my silf Poul biseche you, bi the myldenesse and softnesse of Crist, which in the face am meke among you, and Y absent triste in you.

10:2 For Y preie you, that lest Y present be not bold bi the trist, in which Y am gessid to be bold in to summe, that demen vs, as if we wandren aftir the fleisch.

10:3 For we walkynge in fleisch, fiyten not aftir the fleisch.

10:4 For the armuris of oure knyythod ben not fleischli, but myyti bi God to the distruccioun of strengthis. And we distrien counsels,

10:5 and alle hiynesse that hiyeth it silf ayens the science of God, and dryuen `in to caitifte al vndirstonding in to the seruyce of Crist.

10:6 And we han redi to venge al vnobedience, whanne youre obedience schal be fillid.

10:7 Se ye the thingis that ben after the face. If ony man trustith to him silf, that he is of Crist, thenke he this thing eft anentis hym silf,

10:8 for as he is Cristis, so also we. For if Y schal glorie ony thing more of oure power, which the Lord yaf to vs in to edifiyng, and not in to youre distruccioun, Y schal not be schamed.

10:9 But that Y be not gessid as to fere you bi epistlis,

10:10 for thei seien, That epistlis ben greuouse and stronge, but the presence of the bodi is feble, and the word worthi to be dispisid.

10:11 He that is suche oon, thenke this, for suche as we absent ben in word bi pistlis, suche we ben present in dede.

10:12 For we doren not putte vs among, or comparisoune vs to summen, that comenden hem silf; but we mesuren vs in vs silf, and comparisounen vs silf to vs.

10:13 For we schulen not haue glorie ouer mesure, but bi the mesure of the reule which God mesuride to vs, the mesure that stretchith to you.

10:14 For we ouerstretchen not forth vs, as not stretchinge to you. For to you we camen in the gospel of Crist,

10:15 not gloriynge ouer mesure in othere mennus trauelis. For we `han hope of youre feith that wexith in you to be magnefied bi oure reule in abundaunce,

10:16 also to preche in to tho thingis that ben biyendis you, not to haue glorie in othere mennus reule, in these thingis that ben maad redi.

10:17 He that glorieth, haue glorie in the Lord.

10:18 For not he that comendith hym silf is preuyd, but whom God comendith.