Index: Wycliffe New Testament


1 Timothy 2

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2:1 Therfor Y biseche first of alle thingis, that bisechingis, preieris, axyngis, doyngis of thankyngis, ben maad for alle men,

2:2 for kingis and alle that ben set in hiynesse, that we leden a quyet and a pesible lijf, in al pite and chastite.

2:3 For this thing is good and acceptid bifor God,

2:4 oure sauyour, that wole that alle men ben maad saaf, and that thei come to the knowyng of treuthe.

2:5 For o God and a mediatour is of God and of men, a man Crist Jhesus,

2:6 that yaf him silf redempcioun for alle men. Whos witnessing is confermyd in his tymes;

2:7 in which Y am set a prechour and an apostle. For Y seye treuthe, and Y lie not, that am a techere of hethene men in feith and in treuthe.

2:8 Therfor Y wole, that men preye in al place, liftinge vp clene hondis with outen wraththe and strijf.

2:9 Also wymmen in couenable abite, with schamefastnesse and sobrenesse araiynge hem silf, not in writhun heeris, ethir in gold, ethir peerlis, ethir preciouse cloth; but that that bicometh wymmen,

2:10 biheetinge pite bi good werkis.

2:11 A womman lerne in silence, with al subieccioun.

2:12 But Y suffre not a womman to teche, nether to haue lordschip on the hosebonde, but to be in silence.

2:13 For Adam was first formed, aftirward Eue;

2:14 and Adam was not disseyued, but the womman was disseyued, in breking of the lawe.

2:15 But sche schal be sauyd bi generacioun of children, if sche dwellith perfitli in feith, and loue, and hoolynesse, with sobrenesse.